Common rail set | PRCS-Common

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Common Rail Set, Komplete Set with 8 Y-cables, and the 18 pin plastic Breakout Box Plus storage case Klein.
This set consists of the most common connectors, from the Common rail system for all passenger cars. Note, the suitcase only contains Y-cables, and no separate connectors ,.
The Y-cable or splitter cable is placed between the sensor/actuator and cable tree connector so that the sensor can normally function in a working motor management system. By connecting the 18 pin breakout box to this cable, a measurement of the signals to and from the sensor can be taken in a safe and reliable way. This can be done by using a multimeter or scoop. The pin occupation with the pin numbers on the connector is the same as the number of songs on the Breakout Box. In this way, cables no longer have to be punctured to measure a signal. The use of a paper clip and measuring along the seals is therefore a thing of the past. There is no hole in the insulation of the wire, or the seal and the copper of the wire, cannot oxidize and cause the necessary problems in the future. Nor will it be measured in a separate connector with the chance of damage to the contact. Moreover, the sensor also no longer works with a separate connector!


SKU: PRCS-Common ISBN: 8721145813790
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